Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We've got one more day!

Nothing like cutting it close, huh?  

This has been mind-numbing and an adrenaline rush simultaneously.  Go figure.  It's been the epitome of "hurry up and wait".  Well one more day to get it done.  That's what we've got!  (I know, Ryan and Debra...It's "That's what we HAVE." :)  It's intimidating knowing that english teachers may be proof reading your blog.  

My nerves are shot.  I had to step out of the van as we sat at the High Court of Uganda Courthouse this morning.  Once again...we waited.  I stepped out for some air, to try to calm my nerves and collect my thoughts.  What could I do?  I knew what I wanted, but who needs to see another 'ugly american' throw a temper tantrum because they aren't getting their 'MTV'?  Sorry kids, you're too young for that Billy Idol allusion.  

I wanted to know how to feel.  How can I think consistently with the heart of God.  If this whole journey is about what I want and not what heaven sees then I'm chasing my tail.  This has always been bigger than us.  Certainly bigger than me.  My life was already exciting.  I wasn't looking for more excitement.  

In the tension of today, a prayer began to seep out of my heart.  And when I mean seep, I mean the way the flavor of my Ugandan tea bag fills the mug sitting next to me.  So, to take the metaphor a step to far, "This is a taste of the tea brewed in my Wednesday soul".

Dear God…today,

Do I see what You see?
Do I feel what you feel?
Do I want what you want?
Beyond just another meal.

Have I heard what you hear?
Chosen what you desire?
Have I touched your hem while this continents on fire?

Have I longed for the brook that quenches Your thirst?
Or do I fret these other things and Seek not your Kingdom first.

If I have - I have heard Your voice.
If I will - I will have glimpsed Your vision.
If I do - Today, I receive Your invitation…

Into a Kingdom of love – I was created for
I beckon you not to mine, but I first to Yours
Then please lead me back.
Once dead yet born again.
Today I will yet practice -  resurrection!

Out of darkness let me walk in the light of the Day.
This, the Day of God’s new creation.



Ryan A said...

Call it "poetic license" and you never need to worry about grammar nazis! :)

We continue to carry you and your entire family in our prayers.

Connie said...

Amen and Amen